Recycling Data Studio
First Mile's Recycling data studio is a world-leading tool for businesses to manage their waste data and get access to cutting-edge carbon insights.
All customers gain access to our recycling data studio when they sign up for First Mile waste and recycling collections.

Recycling Data Studio Features
Our advanced recycling studio comes with a range of features, including:
- Accurate weights from bin weighing, RecycleID™ weighing, or audited bag collections
- Sophisticated environmental conversions including Carbon WARM (Defra), and Scope 3 Emissions (UK Gov), as well as own commissioned conversions on Carbon and Biodiversity impact of waste
- Seamlessly integrates with all of your First Mile data
- Breakdown reporting by location in league table view or by tenant or building area if using RecycleID™
- Generate Scope Emission data in a few clicks
- Upload third-party waste data for a complete view of your waste outputs
- Upload data from other countries or locations for a single global view of waste
- Track End destinations in detail, and see monthly updates on where your waste is sent