One of the ways we help you recycle as much as you can is by keeping you regularly updated on your recycling performance.We've just given our monthly recycling report a brand new look, and we’re sending it to more businesses than ever before!It shows how many kilograms of material you’re recycling, and how much you’re throwing away. The higher your recycling rate, the better – and we’re sure we can get you recycling at least 90% of your waste.

Now let’s get specific! Your report shows all of these handy CSR stats.

  • Recycled KGs – how many kilograms of material you’ve recycled. This includes mixed recycling, and all our other recycling services like confidential shredding, printer toners and coffee.
  • Anaerobic Digestion KGs – the amount of food you’ve converted into clean energy.
  • Waste to Energy KGs – how much you’ve thrown away. We send nothing to landfill, ever. If you can’t recycle it, it’ll be used to produce energy to power London homes.
  • Recycling Rate – the percentage of everything you’ve disposed of through First Mile which has been recycled. Hit 90% to get one of our coveted Gold certificates!
  • Trees Saved – how many trees you’ve saved. Based on comparing the number of trees used to produce paper from new material vs recycled material.
  • CO2 Tonnes Saved - how many tonnes of CO2 you’ve stopped from being emitted. Based on how much energy is used to manufacture goods from new material, and the journeys needed to source that material, rather than re-using resources.
  • KWH Produced – how many kilowatt hours of electricity have been produced by your food recycling and waste.

Every statistic shows your performance over the last 12 months, based on the capacity of the bags you’ve ordered. Then we split it across 12 months to give a monthly average. We hope you like the new look report and find it helpful. As always we’d love to hear your feedback – if you have any comments or questions, don’t hesitate to contact us on 0800 6129894, email us, or chat to us on Twitter.