As widely reported, business and consumer costs have increased rapidly in the UK this year with RPI currently sitting at 12.3%, it’s highest since 1981.

At work and at home, finding ways to reduce costs can help offset inflation, but it is not always easy to do.

The waste and recycling industry is significantly affected by these increases; fuel, HGV labour (driven by general inflation and a significant UK shortage of talent), and vehicle costs are some of the leading drivers of current inflation.

Despite this, at First Mile, we are trying to make it easier for new and existing customers to find ways to reduce their overall waste costs by ensuring you have the right recycling set-up for your business.

There are a number of ways we can help existing and new customers reduce costs;

1. Reduce your waste


Audit - Our waste auditing services can identify items in your waste stream that could be recycled, reused, or even avoided. We’ll provide a report on your waste and recommendations to reduce it going forward.


We work in partnership with leading reusable packaging companies like Clubzero and Junee to help you roll-out an alternative to disposable packaging.

Food Redistribution

We can also help you launch a food redistribution service which stops unsold food ending up in your food recycling or waste bins.


2. Recycle more of the remainder

First Mile price several recycling services at a considerable discount vs. mixed recycling and general waste. By separating materials, you can, you can benefit from lower prices. These materials include:

We can help you identify the best materials to recycle separately at your workplace and roll-out services in a way that doesn’t impact your operation.

Already a customer? Click here to book a review of your services. Thinking about using First Mile? Click here to get a money-saving high-recycling quote.

3. Track your progress

First Mile’s reporting will show you key data on your waste and recycling, including information on total output. Track this against your footfall, staff-count, or other operational metrics to work out your waste per employee or customer and ensure that you are driving efficiencies when it comes to waste and recycling.

Our easy-to-use portal lets you do this effortlessly.


First Mile's commitment

First Mile are constantly working to bring down costs for businesses; from route optimisation to ensure rounds are efficient, to zero emission cargo bike collections to improve service, reduce cost, and benefit the environment.

Our own driver academy means that we can train and certify our own HGV drivers - graduates of the First Mile academy, helping to fill the talent gap and ensure your service and costs remain stable.

If you are a customer and have any questions or would like to know more, click here to raise a ticket. If you are thinking about joining First Mile and would like to talk to one of our recycling advisors, click here to make an enquiry.