Being green is easier than you think. Many companies are transitioning into a more sustainable and planet-friendly way of doing business. No matter what industry you’re in, there are always adjustments you can make to ensure you’re as kind to the environment as you can be.

So, what are they? These 9 tips will help you and your business begin on a sustainable journey that’ll help fight the climate crisis and ensure you’re doing everything you can to go green!

1. Measure carbon

It’s always good to begin as you intend to go on, so why not start by measuring your carbon? This essential step will provide you with the building block that you need to analyse your current output and to plan a carbon-negative future for your business.

It’s easy to calculate your footprint nowadays. There are tonnes of online calculators that will give you an estimated reading and provide you with a solid starting point. You’ll need to break down each part of your business including energy and waste production. You can find out more about how to measure your carbon footprint via this Gov.UK small business guide.

2. Recycling

There are no surprises here; you know that recycling is hugely important. Landfill waste is a massive problem in the UK and contributes to a hefty chunk of greenhouse gases. When you use waste management provides like First Mile, you can guarantee that absolutely none of your rubbish goes to landfill. Instead, it all gets broken down and recycled.

And, for any of those tricky non-recyclable items, they are melted down and turned into energy to power homes around the UK. Pick from one of our many business waste services today.

3. Renewable energy

Renewable energy is on the rise. Drawn from natural resources, it’s not only kinder to the planet than traditional finite sources, but considerably cheaper for your business too. From electric vans to solar-powered office buildings, there are numerous ways you can switch to renewable energy today. If you’re unsure, head to our blog post that lists 22 facts about renewable energy.

4. Embrace virtual meetings

The COVID-19 pandemic has seen the explosion of video calls. From coffee mornings with colleagues to political debates via Zoom, video calling is just so convenient! And, it's likely going to stay with us into the future.

By utilising video call software, your business will save time, money and —most importantly — emissions by cutting out unnecessary travel to visit clients and customers.

5. Flexible work from home

In addition to virtual meetings, the last year has proven how flexible we all are. Working from home has become the norm, with many business owners vowing to continue a flexible work-from-home culture going forward.

One of the main benefits of working from home is minimising commuting. With fewer people on the roads travelling to and from work every day, there are inevitably fewer emissions being pumped out into the atmosphere.

6. Cycle to work scheme

If you have a business that needs employees in the office on a regular or even part-time basis, consider a cycle to work scheme. This is a government-backed initiative that allows employers to purchase bikes and equipment at a discounted price. This is a way to encourage commuters to take a push bike rather than a car or bus. It’s great for the planet and your health!

7. Go paperless

There are hundreds of apps and programmes that’ll allow you to be 100% paperless in the office. From digital business cards to cloud-based filing systems, instant messaging to online HR management, there’s no reason to rely on paper.

8. Sustainable suppliers

It’s all well and good being green in the workplace, but if your suppliers don’t share your values about sustainability, you can’t call yourself a 100% green business.

Luckily, there are more and more providers and suppliers who are working towards being carbon negative or already balancing out their footprint on the environment. The extended user responsibility regulations in the UK means that suppliers are obliged to manufacture products with a minimal lasting effect on the planet. Make sure you do your research and check on each of your suppliers.

9. Indoor plants

If you’re planning on spending a lot of time in the office, it’s important you introduce some greenery into the building. Plants are known to decrease stress, improve productivity and cleanse the air. Check out this 2019 Japanese study that shows the importance of plants in the workplace.

These tips are all relatively easy to start implementing. With an increasingly aware society clued-up on the risks of climate change, you must start creating a greener business today. Why not begin by taking a look at our zero-to-waste recycling services?