Coffee Grounds Recycling Collection

Reduce your carbon footprint and recycle coffee grounds into biofuels & essential oils

Coffee grounds recycling collection for your business

The UK consumes around 98 million cups of coffee a day, generating hundreds of thousands of tonnes of waste coffee grounds each year.

Unfortunately, most of these used grounds end up in landfills, where they release greenhouse gases - including methane, which is 25 times more potent than carbon dioxide.

That’s why First Mile is committed to helping businesses ensure they can recycle their coffee grounds waste in a quick and efficient manner.

No matter your industry, simply order your tote box, fill it with your used grounds, and we'll swap it for a fresh one on collection day - we will then turn the used coffee into biofuels and essential oils!

How does coffee grounds recycling work for my business?

40L Tote Box Exchange

We deliver boxes for your coffee ground waste, you fill them, then contact us to book an exchange for new empty ones or set up a regular schedule.

How does pricing for coffee grounds recycling collection work?

Tote box collections

Select how many 20-litre Tote Boxes you want to order based on the amount of coffee ground waste your business produces.

We'll deliver the boxes and collect them once full according to your schedule.



On collection day, we'll exchange your full tote box with a clean one so you're ready to recycle more used coffee grounds. 

The price includes the exchange of up to two boxes (40 litres). You can also set up a regular schedule if needed in our Customer Portal.

What can go in the Coffee Grounds Recycling box?

Coffee grounds
Coffee beans

Please keep out of the Coffee Grounds Recycling box

Coffee filters and pods
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How are Coffee Grounds recycled?

Once your tote box has been collected by First Mile, the coffee grounds are transported to Envar, our partner recycling facility.

They are then either composted or converted into biofuels, essential oils, and even coffee logs that can be used as an alternative to kiln-dried wood logs in wood burners!  

Why Use First Mile for Coffee Grounds Recycling?

Easy switch from your current business waste provider

Flexible business waste and recycling collections up to 3 times a day, 7 days a week

Amazing support available 24/7/365 from our specialist commercial waste collection team

Service Extras, like compliance certificates, weighing and data, and posters

Coffee Grounds Recycling FAQs

Why should I recycle coffee grounds?

Coffee grounds are a great resource that can be used to make a wide range of products, such as compost, biofuels, and cosmetics.

Composting coffee grounds is a great way of improving soil health and fertility, while biofuels made from coffee waste can be used to generate electricity and even power certain vehicles! Additionally, cosmetics made from coffee grounds are very popular thanks to their antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. 

Why can't I put coffee waste in the bin?

You can, but when you include coffee grounds or beans in your general waste, they will more than likely end up in a landfill.

They will then start decomposing and producing harmful greenhouse gases, like methane, eventually emitting them into the atmosphere and directly contributing to global warming.  

Who are Envar?

First Mile has partnered with Envar to recycle coffee grounds in the best possible way to help our environment. They specialise in composting green and food waste on a large scale, and are experts in their field, meaning they know exactly what to do with any form of coffee waste.  

Do you offer coffee grounds recycling near me?

Our coffee grounds recycling service is available in London and Birmingham, as well as nationwide. Customers can order tote boxes over the phone or by using your customer portal.

Who needs coffee grounds recycling?

These days, it’s likely that every business that has employees on-site will need to recycle coffee grounds. In short, if you're a café, bar or restaurant, or if you have a lot of coffee enthusiasts in your company, you will produce some sort of coffee waste that needs disposing of in an efficient and sustainable manner.  

Not sure what you need?

Contact us to assess your needs and get a free quote.
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